Javascript library

451 Tools provide website features that work “client side”, in the browser and on the devices of the members of your audience.

The 451 Tools Javascript library lies at the heart of the 451 Tools WordPress plugin and other CMS integrations.

As Javascript enables the majority of interactive, “client site” website features, so the 451 Tools Javascript library lies at the heart of the 451 Tools WordPress plugin and other CMS integrations.

The Javascript library also enables you to pursue a fully customized implementation of 451 Tools on your website.

451 Tools is available as a Javascript library and NPM package.

Service worker

The Javascript library requires that you compose your custom implementation of the 451 Tools library from any of the modules and features the library exposes. You host the resulting Javascript (.js) file in the root directory of your website.

Your custom 451 Tools service worker implementation, along with the registration script and configuration file, is all you need to get set up and benefit from 451 Tools on your website.

Rest API

After you have composed your custom implementation of the 451 Tools service worker, and registered your service worker on your website, many of the 451 Tools features will work out-of-the-box.

Some modules, including offline assets and the offline dashboard, put no additional requirements on the integration with your website. When enabled, these features will “just work” for your website, improving the user experience of your audience in meaningful ways.

Other modules, including bookmarks and the traffic light, require additional website integration to work. Those modules expose a clear, browser based Rest API to enable two-way communication between your website and the 451 Tools service worker.